Event Setup
N.B. Left click any image to expand:
To setup an Event in the CRM, click Events in your tool bar. Click Admin Solutions Fig.1.
Existing events will be displayed; active events are coloured as per your button colour, inactive are gold. Click Archived to view any archived events. Events should only be archived if cancelled or raised in error. Completed events should be marked inactive so data is present but uneditable.
Click New.
Overview tab displays on opening Fig.3.
- Status - should be Active
- Type - Seminar is the only option available.
- Name - Enter as appropriate
- Budget - the minimum target for sales - displays on reports
- Potential - additional target for sales - displays on reports
- Legacy - target achieved on the previous event
- Label template - if you have a standard template that you will be using throughout the event, you can set the default to this
- Departments - the departments of users that can have access to the event
- Active Stage - ticking these will turn on features on the business: Databuilt - the invitation stage Fig.4, Appointment - appointment setting information Fig.5, Presentations - presentation information Fig.6
- Build Types - allows you to designate how you identify and segregate your invitees. This must have no spaces between the comma list e.g. General,Priority,Renewal. The first category will appear as the default.
- Set as Default - tick this to set this Event as the primary event seen when clicking the Events tab
- Click Save.
Upon saving, additional fields and tabs appear Fig.7; some need to be completed to finalise the setup of the event. To enable users to set appointments, the venue and sessions must be set in the system - see Dates tab below.
- Signed Off - tick to confirm that the Event is complete and all sales have been finalised.
- Archive - tick and click Save to archive the event
- The standard Build Types are set to General, Priority & Renewal. If you use different terms, then for the Reports to understand them, you can label each new term so that they are reported correctly. E.g. If you used Standard, VIP & Existing, you can set the Renewal term to Existing and Priority term to VIP Fig.8. There are 2/3 fields for Renewal & Priority terms. Any terms that are not designated will be considered Generals.
- API Active - this tick box is if you were to need to feed information from YapCRM to another programme. Please contact YapCRM for more information.
Dates tab
Events can be broken into phases to which dates can be set. Event home panels on the Home screen, are linked to and change according to the relevant date ranges for each stage. Fig 10,11 &12. If the stages are not applicable, select one date at the start of the event for all fields to see the presentation home panel Fig.12.
Enter the start and End dates; Duration will auto complete based on the dates entered. Fig.9
- Build Dates - when businesses are identified as appropriate to be invited to the event
- PAS (Priority Appointment Setting) Dates - When businesses marked as Priority are allocated a date and session as appropriate
- TAS (Telephone Appointment Setting) Dates - when all other businesses are allocated a date and session as appropriate
- Pres Week Dates - When the event will be held
- Live Dates - applicable to when any sales will go live.
Click Save
Venue dates and session times must be added for users to appointment businesses to that event. The venue must be a business within the CRM. See Adding New Contacts/Businesses for details on how to.
Click the green + to open a pop-up Fig.9 (1).
- Enter the date of the event Fig.13 (1)
- Start typing the venue name and select from the list Fig.13 (2)
- Complete session times as required in 24hr clock - the CRM will put the sessions in chronological order Fig.14 (3)
- Click Save Fig.14 (4)
Repeat for as many venues and/or dates as applicable. If you select the same venue, the sessions will pre-fill with the times previously listed. Venues will be listed and can be edited or archived by clicking on the green pencil icon.
See the next page for the following tabs