Your CRM provides all the tools you need to organise and run your event. Left click 'Seminar Reports' on the menu ribbon Fig.1 (1). On the 'Seminar Reports' page, left click the 'Matrix' link Fig.1 (2). Please note - dependent upon how your CRM is set up, there may be a 'Matrix' link directly accessible from the menu ribbon.
Several views are available when viewing sessions Fig.2 (1);
Used when adding sales/results etc.
Front Desk
Used by individuals greeting attendee arrivals
Used by individuals calling attendees to confirm attendance etc.
Used by the event manager to assign individuals to be responsible for specific attendees
Remaining filters allow you to;
Select the applicable event if there are more than one events being run concurrently within one CRM Fig.3 (1).
Select the applicable event session venue/date/time for the selected event Fig.3 (2).
Select additional criteria to filter by Fig.3 (3).
Select specific users who qualified the event attendee invitation etc. where required Fig.3 (4).
Telemarketer View:
The telemarketer will call invited contacts to confirm their attendance for upcoming sessions. Alternatively, rather than a single telemarketer, the individual who manages the contact will call to confirm attendance, having already built a relationship. Attendance data is then collated and updated in the telemarketer view by an Admin.
Phone number Fig.4 (1) - this field will display the contact's mobile number as default. If no mobile phone number is present on the contact profile, the main/landline phone number will be displayed.
The session is displayed as per the applied filter.
If when called the invited contact needs to amend their session, this can be done by changing the session details from this drop menu
If the contact confirms they will still be attending the event, the telemarketer will tick the 'Confirmed' check box Fig.4 (2).
The 'Status' field Fig.4 (3) is used where confirmation is not obtained. Selectable options are as follows;
Cancellled - contact made and contact cancells attendance.
1on1 - contact made, contact no longer wishes to attend the event, but requires a one to one meeting. All contacts for the company should be updated to this if applicable.
Callback - used where contact made but need to call back.
LeftMessage - used where no response, so a message has been left.
Any additional comments etc. can be added to the 'Notes' field Fig.4 (4) by left clicking the green '+' icon.
Updates made by the telemarketer to the 'Confirmed' Fig.5 (1) and 'Status' Fig.5 (2) fields will be reflected in the 'Assignment' view.
The event manager can assign specific representatives to look after individual attendees by updating the 'Assigned' Fig.5 (3) field using the drop menu. Allocations should not be done until 30 minutes prior to the session start, to ensure that the telemarketer has time to contact attendees and update any re-scheduling to new session dates/times as necessary. All invited attendees should be given an assigned rep to look after them even where the telemarketer has not confirmed their attendance. Once completed, inform the front desk, and if you change any allocations, ensure that the front desk is informed of changes. Alternatively, a manager sometimes prints off this page, hand writes the assigned rep against each entry and returns it to the front desk to update within the CRM.
Front Desk:
Updates made by the telemarketer and event manager to the 'Confirmed'/'Status'/'Assigned' fields Fig.6 (1) will be reflected in the 'Front Desk' view when the page is reloaded.
The front desk will update the 'Attended' field Fig.6 (2) from the available options listed below to reflect attendance;
No Show
If the attendee was flagged to receive a gift, update the 'Gift' field Fig.6 (2) when it is presented.