There are two ways of inviting a business to the event; using the quick search for known contacts and via the search screen to work through a list.
From the Search screen
The Search screen for most CRMs will display the Contact screen. Click Event. Fig.1
The default filters on the Event search screen are Fig.2:
Active Events - If mulitple events are active, the event set as Default in the Event setup will always be selected. Select appropriate event.
Invitation Status - Contacts invited to events need to be approved by an Admin user; contacts that are to be reviewed are recorded as Invitation Pending, and following review Invitation Approved or Invitation Rejected. Invited, displays all three levels.
Build Types - All types of contacts will be displayed as default
Click Not Invited Fig.3 (1) to set the filter to 'Not Invited' and '1 per company'. The number of businesses will be displayed with no contacts that have been invited Fig.3 (2). Click the first name to work through the list. Fig.3 (3)
On the Contact
Click the Event tab Fig.4 (1)
Call the contact.
Check all the contact details are correct for the contacts and the business and amend as required including archiving old contacts Fig.4 (2)
Ensure the correct Event is selected where multiple events are active. Fig.4 (3)
The type will always be set to the default e.g. General. If known and required, select a different Type e.g. Priority. A warning will display to say that any un-saved data will be lost. The Type might need to be changed to show the appropriate survey. Fig.4 (4)
Complete the surveys as required e.g. Money, Authority, Need, standard survey or detailed survey by clicking on the Add survey button. Fig.4 (5)
Click Yes or No to Invite. All contacts should have an answer. Fig.4 (6)
Click Save Fig.4 (7)
Click >> to move to the next business in the list Fig.4. (8)