Offers and Options are items that a client can buy. Options are usually regarded as an add on to an Offer. Stand by offer is in every CRM - please do not amend.
Select the period for payment and the number appropriate - Months, years, weeks, 4-weekly, Other
Start date of the item
Price per period - not the total price. This is displayed under Total value Fig.2 (8).
Additional notes as required.
Click Save
To add a similar offer, click the green pencil icon Fig.3, click Copy Fig.4, then click the green pencil icon for the copy, amend as required and click Save.
To edit an offer or option, click the green pencil icon Fig.3, amend as required and click Save.
To delete an offer or option, click the green pencil icon Fig.3, tick Archive Fig.5 (1) and click Save Fig.5 (2).