Click Targets Fig.1 (1), click Add Targets Fig.1 (2).
Select users from list, or click Check All Fig.2 (1). From the drop-down, select if the target is for the whole Event, daily or weekly Fig.2 (2). If daily or weekly, select the appropriate day or week to set the target for using the date picker Fig.2 (3). Click Add Target Fig.2 (4).
Tables for the targets selected will be displayed, and divided by your listed Build Types. Enter targets for new & requalification targets by each build type Fig.3 (2&3), generally new Targets for Renewals are not required Fig.3 (1) Click Update Fig.3 (4).
Targets can be amended by being overwritten and clicking Update Fig.3 (4)
To delete individuals, click the [x] next to the name.Fig.3 (5)
To add new individuals, click Add Targets, and select the users as above. Fig.3 (6)